Created for A Divine Purpose

09/11/2011 22:55

By Eileen Fisher

The Lord would say, I have called you each by name. I have called each of you for assignment, for a placement, and for destiny. I have created each of you for a purpose: a divine purpose, a divine plan, a divine assignment. I am taking My people under Myself in a supernatural way. So cling to Me as a lamb clings very close to the shepherd. You will understand I am causing My own to come out from among; the herding of man: herding their desire, herding their ambition, herding their vision, and herding their dream. I have not called you to become a herd. I have called you to be a hearer, a listener. A listener: one who listens to the voice of the Shepherd. I have sent My spirit to direct, to lead, to teach, to counsel, to instruct, to confirm and to bring you in to a Heaven sent assignment.

Be not concerned when I clear the pastures and when you hear of pastures being emptied. Know I am emptying pastures, for I am moving my sheep closer to where they will come to the water, and drink of My presence. They will come and will be content to be set apart to sit at My feet. Where they will be so close to Me, they will lay their head upon My knee. To where they will fix their eyes upon Me and upon My hand. You are about to see a move where the hands of men are going to be lifted off of the hand of God. You will see My hand come down so supernaturally that man's hand will be smitten when they try to mix it with My power of My resurrection.


There is an exchange, going upon in this world, and over this earth. There is an exchange of hearts that is going on. There is a season of deception that is going on. There is also a prominence of My light getting brighter. You will understand My light will bring instruction. You will understand My light brings warmth, it brings truth, and it brings acceleration of a promise for it will be the light that is a reflection of My own word. It will be My word reflecting off your heart by My spirit.


This is the hour of plunging into the glory of the Lord your God. This is the hour of laying things aside. This is not the hour of busyness. This is the hour of occupying in My presence. This is the hour of establishing in My presence. This is the hour of being filled with My presence. This is the hour of carrying My presence. Many of you will be called to speak, but My presence must go before you as it did with Moses. My presence must be upon you as it was with others who came before the king like Paul. There will be a season to where you will be so in need of My presence that you will be fearful of going without it. But first you must come and be a part of My presence. As you dwell, as you pull, as you learn to be still in My presence, My presence is clothing you with power from on high.


There is going to be a trumpet sound. It will be a sound that will ring throughout the spirit realm. Those who would hear and understand the sound of My spirit will have ears to hear what the spirit of the Lord is speaking. They will also discern what the mouth of man is declaring. It is not the hour of man, it is the hour of My spirit calling and bidding and pleading and calling aside to woo man into My presence. My world is crying for My presence. My people are dying for My presence. My people in other parts of the world have literally lost their life seeking My presence. Be hungry for My presence for it cost Me everything to come and walk among you, says the Lord your God.

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